Uncle Patrick Comes To Visit

Despite Owen's expression in this picture, we loved having Uncle Patrick come to visit. You might notice that Owen looked exactly the same in the picture with his grandpa and John. It has nothing to do with the Pyle family themselves, merely Owen's irrepressible urge to squirm and wiggle.

During Patrick's visit, we ate our way through many donuts on our early morning outings and felt reaffirmed to hear someone else say, "It's only 8:30 in the morning?!" after cramming as much into the a.m. as possible to guarantee a long nap for the wee one.

Patrick fulfilled an important duty as the official "Cheerio Popper" on our walks, syncing his steps with John and endangering his fingertips to pop a tiny snack in Owen's mouth while he was in the backpack, ensuring that we could hike just a little bit further than Owen would otherwise have liked. Patrick also tickled Owen's funny bone in a way that John and I have yet to do with a side-splitting rendition of the Chicken Dance with Owen's stuffed lion. It brought on belly laughs like we have never heard before. John and I have attempted to repeat it, but Owen only hangs his head and cries, it being such a poor substitute for the real thing. I think it is pretty safe to say that Owen loves his Uncle Patrick.

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